Thursday, July 24, 2008

Austrian Death Machine Is Brootal

So I came across the goofy, 1-man, testosterone fueled, metal band that is known as Austrian Death Machine and I have to say, it isn't too bad. For those of you that haven't heard of this, it's basically a metal tribute to the great action star Arnold Schwarzenegger. Tim Lambesis from As I Lay Dying apparently recorded the vocals, guitars, bass, and drums for the entire album himself, with a little help from As I Lay Dying band mates and some dude who does a pretty good Arnold Schwarzenegger impression. The songs basically quote all of his movies and have the dumbest lyrics I have ever read. But then again, in that sense, the lyrics are basically perfect for this type of album.

"You betrayed me
You betrayed me
Now you're out for blood
To make me your kill
I must put a stop to this
By impaling you with a drill
Screw you
Screw you
Screw you Benny" - Screw You Benny, Austrian Death Machine.

As for the music, it's really just re-hashed As I Lay Dying songs with less complexity and tons of random-ass guitar solos. I guess you could call it mosh music or just straight up thundering metal that doesn't hold much weight in terms of brilliance. However, seeing as this isn't meant to be serious, each song was written in under an hour, and some songs are called, "Who is Your Daddy, and What Does He Do?" "Get to the Choppa," and "Screw You Benny," how can I not like this? And I mean the album is called Total Brutal, c'mon now. Plus, 7 of the tracks are just the Arnold impersonator doing comical skits with Tim Lamesis. So if you're willing to just have a good laugh or have nothing better to do I would consider checking this out. If anything it's just funny to hear "Schwarzenegger" tell Lambesis that he sounds like a dying moose.

Focus Tracks:
Get to the Choppa, You Have Been Erased, All the Songs Sound the Same, What It's Like to Be a Singer at Band Practice, Screw You Benny, If It Bleeds We Can Kill It, It's Not A Tumor

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